The Rhino Who Swallowed a Storm


“The Rhino Who Swallowed a Storm” is an inspirational resource designed to help children address challenging situations in their lives. It tells the story of a little rhinoceros who faces a storm of emotions and learns to heal with the help of friends. Through this poetic tale, children are encouraged to find comfort and recognize the caring people in the world. The book includes discussion questions to facilitate meaningful conversations about emotions and experiences.




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“Together, we can weather any storm.” Big or small, we are all vulnerable during traumatic times – but together, with love and creativity, we can weather any storm. That’s the inspiration behind The Rhino Who Swallowed a Storm, a resource to help children talk about the “storms” in their own lives and to remind everyone to look for the helpers.
When little Mica Mouse is scared by thunder booming outside her cozy home, Papa Mouse reaches for just the right story to comfort her. Hugging her close, he begins to read The Rhino Who Swallowed a Storm. In this poetic book-within-a-book, a happy little rhinoceros is overwhelmed by a storm that sweeps away everything he loves. Swallowing the storm makes him feel worse, so Rhino sets off on a whimsical journey toward healing. Along the way, he meets many friends, including a kind spider, a brave kangaroo, a wise tortoise, and an uplifting whale.

With their help, Rhino lets go of the storm inside and learns to see the light once again…and Mica Mouse is soothed by the story and her Papa’s gentle reminder that even though bad things sometimes happen, the world is full of people who care.

At the end of the book, there are discussion questions to facilitate a healing dialogue. Stories have the power to make difficult issues more approachable, giving parents and their children a safe haven to discuss feelings and emotions that might otherwise be hard to express.


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